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Why You Need to Take Vitamin K with Calcium Supplements?

A subgroup analysis of a study on 24,000 Europeans suggested increased risk of cardiovascular disease for those taking ONLY calcium supplements (1). Let’s dive into how you can protect yourself from hardened arteries from calcium supplements. It is a well-established fact that when you take calcium you should also take magnesium. This is because magnesium…

Natural Ways To Treat Allergies

Going through all the symptoms of allergies every single day can be frustrating. Luckily there are natural remedies out there for this type of problem. Acupuncture is one treatment option, some of the best allergy pills are another. Supplements might also help with allergies in some people by reducing inflammation or providing anti-inflammatory effects. Allergy sufferers often…

Menstrual Issues Caused By Lack Of Iodine

Thyroid hormones control all aspects of your reproductive health, from ovaries to sex hormone binding globulin. The small butterfly-shaped gland at the base front neck is responsible for producing these essential chemicals that regulate everything you do both inside and outside hormonal boundaries. At some point in life, many females ask why women need iodine more than…

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